First, press the fresh cheese through a mesh strainer to help create a smooth texture.
This is homemade cheese made by curdling milk with the lactic acid in plain yogurt.
You can also use packaged cottage cheese or cream cheese instead of the fresh cheese.
Add the milk to the cheese a little at a time and mix.
When it is combined, add the sweetened condensed milk. Mix again.
Now, add the heavy cream a little at a time while stirring.
When it is combined evenly, add the lemon juice.
Continue to mix thoroughly until the mixture thickens as shown. The citric acid in the lemon juice will firm up the proteins.
Next, place the cookies or crackers into a food storage bag and crumble them into small pieces with a rolling pin.
Cover the bottom of a clear cup with the crumbled cookie.
Spoon the cheese filling into the cup. The bottom crust is not firmed up with butter, making it an easy and healthy cheesecake. Even out the surface.
Garnish with the dried cranberries. And top with a small amount of crumbled cookie.
Finally, sprinkle on the icing sugar. Thoroughly chill it in the fridge and enjoy the delicious cheesecake.
Recipe Notes
This recipe doesn’t use any gelatin. Only the lemon juice is enough to firm up the proteins.
The cheesecake can be stored in the freezer but be sure to use freezer-safe cups.
When you thaw, let it sit at room temperature.
If you are interested in making fresh cheese, please check our previous Fresh Cheese recipe.