Takoyaki and Ebiyaki Recipe

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We are slightly changing our previous Takoyaki recipe and add favorite shrimp. The savory juice of the octopus and shrimp comes out of the freshly made takoyaki. So delicious!

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Takoyaki and Ebiyaki
Votes: 51
Rating: 4.02
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Course Main Dish, Seafood
Cuisine Japanese
Cook Time 30 minutes
people (approx. 37 pieces for 2 people)
Translator Get Francis Mug
Course Main Dish, Seafood
Cuisine Japanese
Cook Time 30 minutes
people (approx. 37 pieces for 2 people)
Translator Get Francis Mug
Votes: 51
Rating: 4.02
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Other Ingredients
  • 80 g Boiled Octopus cut into 1cm/0.4” pieces
  • 8 Shrimp medium size
  • 2 tsp Bonito Powder
  • 12 g Beni Shoga pickled ginger, chopped
  • 60 g Cabbage Leaves chopped
  • 20 g Spring Onion Leaves
* 1 tablespoon (tbsp) = 15 ml, 1 teaspoon (tsp) = 5 ml
* The ingredients contain Amazon affiliate links.
  1. Let’s make the takoyaki batter. Add the salt to the cake flour in a bowl. And thoroughly mix the powder with a balloon whisk.
    Let’s make the takoyaki batter. Add the salt to the cake flour in a bowl. And thoroughly mix the powder with a balloon whisk.
  2. Gradually pour in the cold dashi stock. Mix in the flour from the center to the outside to help avoid pockets of dry flour. Using the cold dashi stock will help avoid developing the gluten and create a soft and light texture. Add the soy sauce.
    Gradually pour in the cold dashi stock. Mix in the flour from the center to the outside to help avoid pockets of dry flour. Using the cold dashi stock will help avoid developing the gluten and create a soft and light texture. Add the soy sauce.
  3. Thoroughly beat the egg in a bowl and add it to the batter. Mix to combine.
    Thoroughly beat the egg in a bowl and add it to the batter. Mix to combine.
  4. Pour the batter into a pitcher.
    Pour the batter into a pitcher.
  5. Let’s prepare the fillings. Cut the boiled octopus into 1cm (0.4”) pieces. Squid or scallops can also be used but then it would not be called takoyaki since tako means octopus.
    Let’s prepare the fillings. Cut the boiled octopus into 1cm (0.4”) pieces. Squid or scallops can also be used but then it would not be called takoyaki since tako means octopus.
  6. Cut the shrimp in half. These shrimp are already peeled and deveined. If you’re interested in how to clean shrimp, check out our ebi chili video.
    Cut the shrimp in half. These shrimp are already peeled and deveined. If you’re interested in how to clean shrimp, check out our <a href="https://cookingwithdog.com/recipe/ebi-chili/">ebi chili</a> video.
  7. Heat a takoyaki pan to about 240°C (464°F). Pour in a generous amount of oil. Make sure to distribute the oil outside of the holes too. Stir the batter and drop in a bit to check if the pan is hot enough. Then, pour the batter into the holes.
    Heat a takoyaki pan to about 240°C (464°F). Pour in a generous amount of oil. Make sure to distribute the oil outside of the holes too. Stir the batter and drop in a bit to check if the pan is hot enough. Then, pour the batter into the holes.
  8. Immediately place the octopus and shrimp into each hole.
    Immediately place the octopus and shrimp into each hole.
  9. Sprinkle on the chopped cabbage leaves, bonito powder, spring onion leaves and the beni shoga also known as pickled ginger.
    Sprinkle on the chopped cabbage leaves, bonito powder, spring onion leaves and the beni shoga also known as pickled ginger.
  10. When the batter around the edges of the holes begins to cook, separate each takoyaki from the pan with bamboo sticks and tilt it 90 degrees.
    When the batter around the edges of the holes begins to cook, separate each takoyaki from the pan with bamboo sticks and tilt it 90 degrees.
  11. When all the takoyaki are tilted, fill the holes with the batter again.
    When all the takoyaki are tilted, fill the holes with the batter again.
  12. Turn the takoyaki a little at a time and shape them into balls.
    Turn the takoyaki a little at a time and shape them into balls.
  13. Now, the takoyaki are golden brown and turn smoothly with a light flick. Place each takoyaki onto a plate as soon as it is ready.
    Now, the takoyaki are golden brown and turn smoothly with a light flick. Place each takoyaki onto a plate as soon as it is ready.
  14. Brush them with the okonomiyaki sauce. And sprinkle on the aonori seaweed. Finally, garnish with the bonito flakes. You can also top with mayonnaise to taste.
    Brush them with the okonomiyaki sauce. And sprinkle on the aonori seaweed. Finally, garnish with the bonito flakes. You can also top with mayonnaise to taste.
Recipe Notes

You can also use mochi, cheese, kimchi, sausage, or bacon for fillings and enjoy a variety of flavors.
There is a much heated debate whether cabbage leaves can be used in takoyaki. If your guests are Japanese, make sure to get permission so that nobody gets upset.
You may also enjoy our previous Easy Takoyaki recipe.

Cooking with Dog

Cooking with Dog is a YouTube cooking show featured by a canine host Francis and a mysterious Japanese Chef whose real name is not disclosed.
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Hi, what is Cake flour? Are you referring to bread flour?


hi, sorry what’s the name of this Takoyaki hot plate ? I’m actually looking for one and I don’t know which one to take so if you could help me?

Bishan Welgama

very well explained, truly amazing. thank you


Oh my god!
I didn’t know about this amazing Page you have now!
the calculate menue makes it very easy to get the needed indregents for certain amount of people. thank you very much ♥
Going to make delicious Takoyaki today again